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Mikel Croft
Fine Portrait Photography
Portraiture • Glamour • Milestones • Headshots
Mikel Croft Photography specializes in portraiture and is based in Northern NM.Offering Studio and Location photographer services across Northern New Mexico including Española, Los Alamos, Santa Fe and Taos.

Mikel Croft Photography specializes in capturing portraits and milestone events such as engagement, elopement, senior photos, maternity, glamor, professional headshots, even holiday portraits.Digital and Print packages are available.To learn more and see samples, please visit the work section.Visit the Booking Page for a complimentary quote for your custom session.

Below are some examples from recent projects.To inquire or book a session, visit the Contact Page
Last Updated: Dec 2020
Now booking for 2025!
Let's get in touch! If you'd like to discuss booking a session please submit an inquiry on the main website at the link below:
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